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11 March 2015

Add-ons and Removals for Oracle HFM

Add-ons and Removals for Oracle HFM

Below are the few findings from latest version

Removed :

1. Remove DCOM as the internal communication method
2. Remove all IIS components, including ASP and .net Web services
3. Embrace Java as the backbone of the API
4. Eliminate the configuration settings in the Windows System Registry
5. We don’t have LCM concept in version

Added : 

1. DCOM communications were replaced with TCP/IP for client/server communication.
2. ADO was replaced by ODBC for database communication
3. Removed IIS components and integrated into Web logic
4. Combined the Smartview provider with the HFM web application in WLS (WebLogic service)
5. Combined the LCM provider with the new JHsxserver
6. Replaced web services plugin to the Java API plugin for LCM.
7. LCM was replaced by “HFM Application Snapshot”
8. Moved the configuration / settings to the database instead of the Windows system registry and moved all configurations to the web rather than the fat configuration clients.
                                                                             *(source taken from different blogs and Oracle docs)

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